How I Will Make It

By Vivian Baumann

1. Content

I have decided that what I care about is conversations with characters. This is for the following reasons:

Therefore I will start by coding something that can support dialogue.

In a text adventure format, the player needs to know what actions are available to them. This is why everything in an adventure game is normally placed in cardinal directions in relation to one another. The cardinal directions can also be handily shortned to the letters N,E,S,W. In the same vein, I plan on the majority of the responses in this game Yes and No, or Y and N. This will additionally have the effect of flattening the player character's answers into a binary, boolean form. I want the gameplay to feel quick and instinctual, not labored like talking to a chatbot.

You may have noticed that this is the exact same format as The Quest For Paris Hilton's Gem. Yes. But I need to optimize it, because the way I made that is not sustainable for something bigger, I think.

2. Structure of Said Dialogue

I will keep all of the conversations in dataclasses.

I think I can write the code for this by next week.