3/29/23 (12:06 am)

TI have period cramps rn and I don't want to go to school tomorrow but I would like to say I love my boyfriend so much he is so sweet and nice and kind and driven. Byut in a way I understand. and he is my beautiful beautiful beautiful wife. ^_^

I love you sam

2/8/23 (5:28 pm)

Tenpo ni la mi pali mute sona li toki pona. Mi toki ni: sona toki pona li mute musi. La sona toki pona li pona ala lili; iki lili. La mi pilin ni: toki pona lili nasa. Taso toki pona li pona! ijo nasa ili pi toki pona li ni: toki pona jo iki-tan-pipi ala. mi toki: jo e ken ala. Taso toki pona li pona.

1/29/23 (10:55 am)

Haha I have won! Forget about the last entry. I have become the most fortunate person on earth! And school is fun:-)! HAHA !

11/30/22 (11:47 pm)

I wonder if you will ever read this, or if any one will. Life is lonely and bleak. But I have been [redacted] like crazy so. Owned. ?. I do not think it is much of an own actually, since you knew this about me. Do you think about me?? I met someone who reminded me of you but it didn't work out. Esme is doing ok. We are both doing ok (but below average). At least we have each other.






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